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“It’s not about the running; it’s the collaborative complaining about aches and pains.”
“Pickleball, pickleball, and more pickleball. Honestly? I don’t remember how I spent my time before pickleball.”
“Our ceramic smoker costs $350, and yes, we’re making a package of hot dogs for $5.99. Anything else?”
“How can I be toxic? I’m wearing polka-dots.”
“The watch monitors my steps, heart rate, sleep, and hydration… Now, if I can only remember to put it on.”
“Allegedly, Martha Stewart doesn’t do red geraniums in her planters. But I’m not Martha Stewart.”
“Love you, but we already have enough mugs with a special message.”
“Remember when having a toaster oven in a dorm room violated campus policy? Just sayin'”
“It wasn’t the barking. It was Milo’s maniacal need to always be right.”
“I’m a toter; that’s the core of my being.”