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“They’re oversized frames to help me see better. Right now, I see you’re not listening to a word I’m saying.”
“I’ll tell you why. Fitted sheets have stretchy, rounded edges… just like me.”
“It’s officially a heatwave when Maxine’s lipstick melts off her face, onto her summer sleeveless shift, and trends on Instagram.”
“If you’re never going to take me to Europe, then I want a bidet!”
“Love you, but we already have enough mugs with a special message.”
“I’m a toter; that’s the core of my being.”
“Now that you’ve organized your laundry room, what’s left of your life’s work?”
“Ask me about my junk drawer.”
“Cheers to International Women’s Day…. because tomorrow it’s back to the same old baloney.”
“Pick up your dirty clothes; I’m turning the shower into a spa.”