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“Plant-based pot roast potstickers. Say that three times fast.”
“No chips, ice cream, and no glass of beer to cry in because salmon and salad is your new reality.”
“We’ll never make it to midnight. Let’s make popcorn and see if we can last until ten-thirty.”
“When they say, Go! Run like hell and head for the nearest vegan.”
“I woke up, took a walk, then tossed every plastic container I ever thought I needed.”
“Fluffball is a trained diet attack dog. You take one bite, and all hell’s breaking loose.”
“Is the cat sick, or is this another one of your air fryer fails?”
“Wine in a box, beer in a box, cocktails in a box, and a box of cookies. What can I get you?”
“When you didn’t read the book, all you can think about are the snacks.”
“Granola bars, Krispie Treats, cookies, trail mix… Our kids are thirty, but who can resist Back-to-School snacks on sale?”