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“Hold that breaking news, let me turn your attention to my loaf pan collection.”
“I’d offer you a cookie, but lately they’re too dang expensive. How about a crash course in civics?”
“If you insist on watching the news, you must get the ice cream and chips and make two double high-balls.”
“Ask your doctor if that donut is right for you.”
“Thank goodness for the Super Bowl. I needed a day off from kale.”
“Grade A, my rump! Egg prices are sky-high, and they’re paying us chicken feed.”
“I’ll only do a holiday cookie swap if there’s a Slice & Bake Bouncer by the door.”
“It’s slow cooker season. From now until April, everything, and I mean everything, is coming out of this one pot. Any questions?”
“I’ve eaten so much since Thursday, so I’m only doing salad and maybe a few crescent rolls, a little stuffing, and pie.”
“I know you’re on a diet. These cupcakes are for my Zoom meeting.”