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“No worries calling me at work. I’m just browsing Indeed and LinkedIn looking for another job.”
“Trust & control are relationship red flags. Never ask us how many handbags we need – when we’ve worked for them.”
“Of course I’m shopping this sale at work – what other time do I have?”
“I have to focus on the next eight hours of work stress, anxiety, and feeling chronically distracted by your endless interruptions.”
“It’s from the boss,’Printer is jammed. Deleted my presentation. Phones are going crazy. Are you near the office? ‘ Seriously? This is too funny!’
“We work hard, we handbag hard.”
“Another year, another Equal Pay Day plea. Maybe more men need to go part-time and stay home with the kiddos.”
“There’s no diversity or older workers in tech… And by older we mean over fifty.”