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“They got on our nerves 24/7 working from home. Now it’s 24/7 surveillance from home.”
“Sorry, but we no longer provide face-to-face.”
“Fall Hauls be damned… Mona launches ‘Pumpkin Palooza’ – All pumpkin programming, all the time.”
“Hello. What kind of wine goes with remote work, online school, and nagging?”
“I’m one of the 26 million who have tried to file for unemployment. Getting disconnected is my new career.”
“Paranormal Caught At Home: Channeling office furniture from your past work life.”
“The office holiday party is now cancelled because of #MeToo. Instead, we’ll all see an inappropriate bonus in our paycheck.”
“Today I’m shopping… I mean working from home.”
“Your side hustle as an Instagram pet influencer is at odds with our ‘Big Eight’ accounting firm culture.”
“Describe a challenge or conflict you’ve faced and how you dealt with it… Like your 15 minutes working in the White House.”