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“With a cluck-cluck here and a cluck-cluck there, E-I-E-I-O. Stop me if you’ve heard this one.”
“Teachers have it easy? Well, there’s a shortage. Now’s your chance to get into a classroom and find that Shangri-La.”
“We’ll have to get back to you. Corporate instituted a clean desk policy, and we can’t find anything.”
“Even If I win the Mega Millions, I will keep my job. My boss can’t find anyone for 23K a year with no benefits.”
“Did anyone ask you how to fold a fitted sheet? We’re done here.”
“Ordered back to the office full-time. Who knew my boss, Phyllis, was in cahoots with Big Oil.”
“Forced socialization, fake collaboration, backstabbing… It’s back to the workplace.”
“Now that you’ve organized your laundry room, what’s left of your life’s work?”
“No worries about remote work and productivity. I’m 100% on task in slippers and PJs.”
“This old work outfit? Saving all my athleisurewear for special occasions.”