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“This old work outfit? Saving all my athleisurewear for special occasions.”
“I miss the old thrill and danger of shopping from work.”
“Sorry, but we no longer provide face-to-face.”
“Hello. What kind of wine goes with remote work, online school, and nagging?”
“I have involuntarily arrived at the comfort shoe, giant sun hat, daily crossword stage of life.”
“I’m one of the 26 million who have tried to file for unemployment. Getting disconnected is my new career.”
“Paranormal Caught At Home: Channeling office furniture from your past work life.”
“No job. No insurance. No healthcare. No problem. Free Fox News & peanuts at the bar.”
“No worries calling me at work. I’m just browsing Indeed and LinkedIn looking for another job.”
“I decided I really do have a knack for complaining. My podcast starts Monday.”