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“Valentine’s Day FYI: My top turn-off is your Fox News. My top turn-ons are chocolate & facts.”
“In the era of anxious. In the sea of despair-Ta da! The Golden Globe nominations.”
“Groundhogs across the nation call it in.”
“Fall Hauls be damned… Mona launches ‘Pumpkin Palooza’ – All pumpkin programming, all the time.”
“He said people from ‘the dark shadows’ are controlling Joe. Politics of fear summoning the paranormal… What could go wrong?”
“When this old world starts getting you down; Signs you need to take the ‘news’ out of ‘newsfeed'”
“The Hamptons? Call Bravo, I’m serving Real Housewife of Hackensack realness.”
“Noise cancelling headphones for the fireworks & Schlox News spin.”
“Long-overdue for Aunt Pancake, Mrs. Syrup & Uncle B.’s logo retirement. Cream of Clueless is next – Followed by Miss C’s Banana basket & the ruffles too.”
“The mask & hand sanitizer help to protect me. The liability waiver protects them. Damned if I sign, damned if I don’t.”
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