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“Hold that breaking news, let me turn your attention to my loaf pan collection.”
“Not watching the returns. I’ll be binging that romance TV channel – magically transporting me to a small town filled with love and schlocky songs.”
“I’m exhausted by all the ads, texts, and lawn signs, and don’t get me started on garage and yard sales.”
“If you’re never going to take me to Europe, then I want a bidet!”
“Earthquake in the northeast and the upcoming eclipse? Let’s skip lunch and grab ice cream and cocktails.”
“Nope, nope, and nope. Adding another sports streaming service isn’t self-care.”
“Every time Gerry cries, I order a holiday gift.”
“OK, what series do you want to fall asleep to this evening?”
“We don’t care about the Grammys. We’re not old; we’re selectively not current.”
“Red team, blue team, we all scream for ice-cream. How’s that for a unifying message?”