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“Mooning over Dr. Fauci? With his slick facts & research… And I thought you were my misinformation soul mate.”
“Nothing like a hand sanitizer recall in the middle of a pandemic. Now which U.S. retailers need their mouths washed out with soap for carrying toxic products?”
“Marking you totally unprepared for this pandemic. Write 50 times: Will not open school when my convention has been canceled.”
“Other than daily twisted messaging, stress & turmoil… Everything’s dandy.
“Staying cool in an election year: Drink in plenty of facts, watch for tweet cramps, check on friends & family who ignore science.”
“It’s OK to remove for drinking. But if a zucchini -flax-smoothie keeps your mask on, fine.”
“ Recalled toxic hand sanitizer. Recalled toxic lettuce. Recalled toxic tweets. Doreen’s so-over toxic relationships.”
“The ghost of educators past returns with school re-opening advice: “Show your work. Where’s your national plan on anything?”
“Masks infringe on my right… to attend the biggest campaign petri dish this nation has ever seen.”
“Ask your Doctor if reopening misinformation is for you; Symptoms may include political poppycock & second wave of woe.”
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