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“Don’t be a turkey! Nobody wants COVID leftovers this year.” Aunt Betty, Apartment 5C
“Oneonta, NY? 2020’s Rockefeller Center Christmas tree should be a giant cactus from Tucson.”
“Let me tell you something, Mister. We had our virus aha moment back in March.”
“Affordable Care Act case a week after election day… It’s the Hokey-Pokey, that’s what it’s all about.”
“The doctors couldn’t make you. The governors couldn’t make you. But the book author woulda made you? Seriously? ”
“Folks at that GOP campaign rally are testing positive for COVID…. Don’t they need them healthy for voting?”
“Hydration Nation.”
“What will be available first? A vaccine or Clorox Wipes?”
“See the patio umbrella, be the patio umbrella, receive the patio umbrella.”
“We’d be done already if these defiant covididiots wore masks. It’s DUMB-‘O’clock somewhere.”