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“Bold prints paired with large totes. We don’t need no stinkin’ cover-ups.”
“When I hear, ‘How many bags & shoes do you need?’ As many as my closet and 17 storage containers can handle.”
“Tie-Dye, Neon & Fanny Packs are baaack! Take that Marie Kondo.”
“The closet organizer blew my cover. That’s when he learned the hard truth about my handbag collection.”
“We work hard, we handbag hard.”
“Constant video gaming? Snoring? Never helping around the house? Nope. It’s all about subzero & shorts.”
“Hey Baby, what’s your down fill power rating?”
“Give me a comfy push-down bra, and let my granny panty freak flag fly.”
“Fanny packs are back in style. Perfect for toting the antacid and pain reliever needed to cope with all this daily crazy.”