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“Forced socialization, fake collaboration, backstabbing… It’s back to the workplace.”
“My kids are all grown. I’m buying it for the squirrels.”
“She’s either getting coffee or in the bathroom. I know, right?”
“I embrace this busy epidemic. Because If I’m too busy, I don’t have to do stuff.”
“Most people are bored at work. So I signed us up for chair yoga.”
“We’ll have to get back to you. Corporate instituted a clean desk policy, and we can’t find anything.”
“No worries about remote work and productivity. I’m 100% on task in slippers and PJs.”
“This old work outfit? Saving all my athleisurewear for special occasions.”
“They got on our nerves 24/7 working from home. Now it’s 24/7 surveillance from home.”
“Gloria suddenly decides to parlay her plant cuttings into an online scented geranium empire.”