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“Same kibble, different day.”
“It’s International Women’s Day, where’s the big sales?”
“Another day, another billionaire ego trip. I’d vote Ovaltine over that Starbuck’s guy for president.”
“It’s a chronic mess with no spark of joy. Time for Marie Kondo to declutter Washington.”
“No FDA food safety inspections. Nothing like a wall of bacteria.”
“GoFundMe raises millions for that border wall. Next up, a national bake-sale to fix the infrastructure.”
“Claims Department, can I help? Sorry, False Statement headquarters is in Washington. Hope someone can help us all.”
“I’m not sending holiday cards. Decided to just post messages of good-will, civility, and please stop tweeting baloney.”
“Thanksgiving’s a very busy travel day. But when you’re a chicken – it’s just Thursday.”
“Washington sign of the times: Leaving to spend more time in reality.”